About Us
The " Lazzarini- Battiala " palace in Sveti Martin, incorporated in the baroque country- side castle ( kaštel, castello ), the last Labin landlord, baron Lazzarini´s country- seat, was built in 1797. Sveti Martin ( Saint Martin ), a peaceful place, situated above the river Raša canyon ( valley ). It is surrounded by a number of small peasant houses in a genuine natur. The palace is approached through a stone gate and hundred-year old chestnut alley. Outside the building there is the St. Martin´s parish church, built in 1907, and the 16th century Madona of Health little ruined church. The palace was restored by efforts of Josip and Maria Belušić, and daughters Dolores and Barbara. It was a great challange since the building was a historical heritage and protected by the Croatian ministry of culture. The renovation started in 2001. and finished in May 2003.

The Palace in 2001. when we bought it.
My father Josip, sister Barbara, myself,
and mother Maria
The Palace renovated in 2003.
Palace Lazzarini-Battiala today
The palace today is a preserved part of our history that we would like to present to our community and visitors from all over the world...It offers accomodation in 6 comfort apartments, wine-celler (konoba) and a typical istrian fireplace.
It is a place where you can relax far away from the crowded tourist resorts, experience the local history, art and gastronomy - we will make you feel at home !